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About Me

Denis Inghelbrecht | Dancer© Britt Richwood

Denis is a professional dance artist based in Antwerp, Belgium. Since 2012, he has been an active contributer to the dance scene, organizing international workshops and offering intensive training both within Belgium and abroad. He plays an active role in the organisation of, and participation in dance battles and performances across Europe, contributing to the street dance community.

With a strong foundation in the illusionary style Popping, he has explored and thoroughly researched substyles such as Tutting, Waving, Threading, and Boogaloo. Over the years Denis has developed an atypical, but unique dance vocabulary, rooted in his street dance foundation bridging into contemporary. Denis specialises in utilising foundational movement from different styles and incorporating them into different context based on musicality and storytelling.

"As humans, we naturally establish connections between what we see and what we have seen before. Our brains find pleasure in understanding the links between different entities, which is why we enjoy problem-solving. When I create a dance piece, I approach it as a puzzle for the viewer to solve. This could involve recognizing a pattern or uncovering the reasoning behind an emotion or movement. By balancing between the predictable and the unpredictable, we can captivate the audience's attention."